National Assembly deputy Nguyen Xuan Thuy, the youngest deputy born in 1985, could not contain his displeasure when a report for the 2011-2016 tenure did not mention anything about the education sector.


Nguyen Xuan Thuy

Thuy agreed with most of the report but said the role of education sector had not been adequately covered, in fact, there were no word about education and training.

"The prime minister and the government obviously did work on this but it’s not included in this report," Thuy said.

"Development of the education system, in both scale and quality has helped to improve our human resources to develop and protect our country.

This includes increasing the number of teachers and lecturers that have master's and doctorate degrees.

The report also does not include outstanding events and milestones in the sector such as the last education reform agenda."

While there are still many shortcomings, the education sector had made efforts to improve and recorded some achievements last year.

Staff in the sector have taken part in a silent revolution with positive changes in curriculum, textbooks and teaching methods.

And this is a struggle for the whole sector as well as the leaders of Ministry of Education and Training because any reform needs brave people behind it.

The 11th National Assembly praised the ministry for the comprehensive reform from examinations to the quality of teachers.

According to Thuy, some shortcomings, such as universities changing their entrance scores to force students to withdraw their applications, are few and far in between compared to the achievements recorded.

"We can't make wrong judgement about the role of education sector and the effort put into it," he said.

He also raised concerns about the quality of teachers. He said, "Outstanding students only choose medical, military or banking universities. Teacher training universities are having a hard time attracting good students.

If the quality of students is low then it will affect the education sector because the most important factor is human, the teachers."

In order to really change the education sector, Thuy asked the national assembly and government to show appreciation by including the education sector in their reports.
