Search and rescue forces have rescued all eight fishermen from a stranded fishing vessel in central Nghe An Province.


The distressed fishing ship with eight fishermen onboard arrive at Cua Lo Port. 

They were brought ashore on Wednesday morning. All the fishermen are healthy and uninjured.

The NA 90909 TS ship, owned by Tran Quang Thai from Nghe An Province, was in distress some 90 nautical miles away from the province’s Hon Ngu Island last Saturday.

The ship’s captain sent rescue signals many hours after they tried to recover.

The Viet Nam Maritime Search and Rescue Centre sent a rescue vessel to search for the ship after receiving its distress signals. After 12 hours of searching, the rescue forces located the ship at some 10am on Tuesday.

They provided initial medical care to the fishermen. The rescue forces brought the fishing vessel with the eight fishermen safely to the province’s Cua Lo Port at 2.30am on Wednesday. — VNS