Doctor Le Viet Khanh from the Vietnam-Germany Hospital said on July 19 that an eight-month-old baby girl in Doi Can Street died after being attacked by a Tibetan Mastiff raised at home.



Illustrative photo. A Hanoi man besides his Tibetan Mastiff

According to the doctor, the baby was rushed to the hospital on July 14 with serious injuries to the face and head and no pulse. Despite intensive rescue efforts at the hospital, she died shortly after.

"The family said that she was attacked by their 40-kilo Tibetan Mastiff while playing alone with it," Khanh said. "The mother only noticed it when hearing her cry and was also bitten on the hand while trying to save her from the dog." 

The doctor warned parents to be more careful when letting their children play with dogs.

Raising expensive imported dogs, including the Tibetan Mastiff, has recently become a trend in Vietnam, especially among wealthy families.
