Electronics retailer The Gioi Di Dong has identified an employee as the culprit replacing shrink-wrapped iPhones with stones.

In an official statement on October 24, The Gioi Di Dong, also known as Mobile World Group, said a total of 13 iPhones were replaced by stones and another five were stolen. 

The culprit was identified as an Yen Bai resident who has been in charge of the store’s warehouse since April this year. 

The company said that it had transferred the case to the police to resolve according to the law.

Earlier, on October 15, after buying an iPhone 6s Plus at the The Gioi Di Dong store at 1 Hoang Hoa Tham street in Yen Bai city, a customer reported finding only stones inside the shrinkwrapped box. 

She then took the box back to the store to exchange it and the staff opened three more boxes, all shrink wrapped, to also find stones.

In August 2015, Apple Inc. chose FPT Shop and The Gioi Di Dong as its two main retailers to directly import its hi-tech products from Apple Singapore. 

At the moment, four Vietnamese electronics retailers, namely FPT Shop, The Gioi Di Dong, FPT Trading, and Digiworld are certified for this function.