A herd of 15 wild elephants have come out of the forest and destroyed a large area of crops in Dak Lak Province over the past few days.


A large area of crops in Dak Lak Province was damaged by wild elephants on November 8

On November 9, Do Duong Thu, deputy director of Dak Lak Elephant Conservation Centre said the authorities and locals successfully chased away the elephants. However, the authorities are still on guard as the elephants are still living near the Yok Don National Park and the fields of local people.

From November 8, a herd of 15 elephants suddenly went into the fields in Drang Phok Village to find food and damaged crops, most of them are sugarcane, corn and cassava.

Dak Lak Elephant Conservation Centre had worked with local authorities to chase the elephants back to the forest.

On August 17 and 18, a herd of 20 elephants also went out of the forest to find food and damaged large areas of crops in Drang Phok Village.
