VietNamNet Bridge – A law on employment should help develop the country‘s labour market and human resources in order to meet the demands of economic restructuring and socio-economic development to 2020.




This opinion was unanimously agreed by lawmakers who were meeting for the third working day of the 17th session of the National Assembly's Standing Committee.

NA deputies said that the employment bill would apply to all Vietnamese citizens aged 15 years and above who had the ability and needed or wanted to work.

They agreed with regulations on policies to create jobs for labourers, such as a credit fund for job creation; support for creating jobs for youths and rural labourers, labourers wanting to work under contract abroad and for labour market development.

Deputies backed most Government's proposals, including the State labour programme.

The programme would be implemented by the Government with an aim to create jobs temporarily for rural labourers through projects such as new rural and infrastructure development for poor and island communes.

The programme would attract labourers who were not skilled, poor or from rural or ethnic groups.

Implementation of unemployment insurance policies would be regulated by the Government.

Many deputies said the Government should review unemployment policies implemented over the past three years.

They said unemployment insurance should be regulated under the employment law instead of the social insurance law, meaning that articles relating to unemployment insurance should be moved from the social insurance law to the employment law.

The bill also added that labourers who had no labour relations into the category could be involved in the unemployment insurance service.

NA Social Affairs Committee Chairwoman Truong Thi Mai said the expansion of those involved in unemployment insurance would be a necessary measure in efforts to ensure social security because nearly 70 per cent of the country's total labour force had no labour relations.

"Measures are needed to attract them to participate in the unemployment insurance service with an aim to improving security in their jobs in the context of the developing labour market," said Mai.

NA Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong said: "The role of social security in employment policies was very important in order to prevent risks for labourers."

Employment policies should target sustainable jobs for labourers, create equal chances to every person in society and improve working condition and income for labourers, Phong said.

Deputies also discussed natural disaster reduction and prevention bill and revised the science and technology law.

Source: VNS