education renovation

Update news education renovation

Vietnam’s education has changed, but progress remains slow

VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has kicked off plans to reform the national educational system, but considerable progress has not been made.

What is the fate of the $423 million foreign-language teaching program?

The VND9.3 trillion national program on teaching foreign languages at general schools by 2020 has spent VND5.4 trillion so far. However, MOET admitted that the goals of the program may be unattainable by 2020.

The late Lee Kwan Yew’s thoughts about Vietnam’s education

VietNamNet Bridge - The late Lee Kwan Yew, during his visit to Vietnam in 2007, gave advice on how to develop Vietnam’s education. He said that if Vietnam won in the education race, it would win in economic development.

MOET denies stratospheric price tag for education renovation

 VietNamNet Bridge – Minister of Education and Training Pham Vu Luan says that reports of a VND34 trillion ($1.6 billion) price tag for its proposed education renovation program are unfounded.

Schools get embarrassed with education renovation

 VietNamNet Bridge – The new enrolment regulations applied to the 2013-2014 academic year have embarrassed schools.


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Educators share the same views with the “slacker”

The video clip of a 12th grader which talks about the big problems of the Vietnamese education has surprisingly applauded by education experts.