English news about Vietnam

Update news English news about Vietnam

Hanoi new urban areas hit by floods

Pham Sy Liem, former Deputy Minister of Construction, speaks to the Kinh te & Do thi about the need for ground level in building residential areas in Ha Noi’s outlying districts

Small hydro plants, big problem

Professor Vu Trong Hong, Chairman of the Viet Nam Irrigation Association, speaks to the newspaper Nong Thon Ngay Nay about the dangerous impact of the proposal to build four super small hydro power plants

Creativity centres role in boosting economy on the table

 VietNamNet Bridge – Reports on the role of creative centres in developing a thriving local creative economy will be launched in Ha Noi on August 1.

Teams enjoy bonuses following recent success

 VietNamNet Bridge – The U15 and U22 teams received big bonuses from football managers following their outstanding performance at continental and regional tournaments.

Dutch Nobel laureate in Physics visits Vietnam

 VietNamNet Bridge – Professor Gerard’t Hooft, Dutch Nobel Laureate in Physics and his wife arrived in Binh Dinh on Sunday afternoon.

Lao Cai officials to attend court

 VietNamNet Bridge – Two top officials of Lao Cai City and province will attend court on Tuesday as defendants of a land eviction lawsuit filed by a resident.

Storm Sonca to cause heavy rains in north and north central VN

Tropical Storm Sonca, the fourth to hit Viet Nam this year, is forecast to make landfall in central and northcentral Viet Nam on Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning, 

Transport infrastructure development in northwest not meet demand: officials

Participants at a conference about developing transport infrastructure in the northwest region on Thursday in Ha Noi agreed that transport infrastructure construction has not met demand 

Street vendor spaces on paper, not concrete

Ambitious plans to establish designated areas for street vendors in Ha Noi and HCM City have yet to materialise, months after a “sidewalk clean-up” campaign fuelled debates over the future of street vendors.

River swimming class a source of fun, survival

 VietNamNet Bridge – It’s 6am on a summer morning, and a group of children are doing warm-up exercises to prepare their muscles for a special kind of swimming class.

Street performances replacing traditional venues in HCM City

While traditional entertainment venues appear to be losing popularity, street performances have been attracting an increasing number of HCM City residents.

War veteran writer presents historic documents to museum

The Vietnamese Women’ Museum in Ha Noi received war mementoes from writer and journalist Colonel Dang Vuong Hung during a ceremony on Friday.

Art during the years of resistance

An ongoing exhibition at Viet Nam Fine Arts Museum take visitors back to the glorious years of national resistance through 50 artworks by different generations of Vietnamese artists. 

Director filming Vietnamese version of American TV series Glee

 VietNamNet Bridge – The HCM City-based film studio BHD is remaking the award-winning American comedy-drama TV series Glee with Vietnamese actors and a new plot.

Life skills class mushrooming, but not all live up to expectations

 VietNamNet Bridge – Parents scurrying to send their children to the many life skills classes blooming in the big cities has been a trend that has been picking up lately. 

Buddhist Nun grows vegetables, cultivates hope for abandoned kids

In a house on a small stone-paved alley, a three-year-old girl nicknamed Nhan Thien (Human Heaven) sits next to a slim, Buddhist nun, selecting seeds to grow vegetables.

A veteran’s search for fallen comrades

The family of martyr Luong Khanh in Nha Trang City couldn’t hold back the tears when they received a letter from a stranger informing them of the location of Khanh’s grave.

HCM City needs 3,000 more teachers for new school year

Public schools in HCM City need to hire nearly 3,000 teachers for the upcoming academic year starting next month since the number of students and classrooms are set to increase, 

Ministry wants fresh medical graduates to work in outlying areas

New medical graduates could be required to work for three to five years at healthcare centres in outlying regions to meet a critical lack of doctors and help improve healthcare services there.

Cost overruns found in major Hanoi projects

The Government Inspectorate (GI) has released findings of egregious wrongdoing in the implementation of a number of BT and BOT infrastructure and environmental projects in Ha Noi City.