Circular No. 17/2018/TT-BLDDTBXH from the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and dated October 17, 2018, which provides guidelines on enterprises self-inspecting their compliance with labor regulations, took effect from January 1, replacing the ministry’s Decision No. 02/2006/QD-BLDTBXH dated February 16, 2006.


Circular 17 provides guidelines on the self-collection, analysis, and evaluation of compliance with the provisions of labor regulations.

Enterprises are required to perform self-inspection at least once a year, in which they evaluate their compliance and identify and adopt solutions for improvement where necessary.

The specific timing of inspections will be determined by the enterprise.

Self-inspection tasks include submitting periodical labor reports and reviewing recruitment and training, the implementation of employment agreements, provisions for working hours and leave, salaries, compensation for material liability, monthly contributions to compulsory social, health, and unemployment insurance, and the resolution of labor-related disputes and complaints.

According to the self-inspection schedule to be set up by enterprises, they will establish a self-inspection team and register an account at to obtain a self-inspection guidance note.

Self-inspection dossiers include the self-inspection note, self-inspection conclusions, and documents on the establishment of the self-inspection team, while other relevant documents prepared during the self-inspection process must be stored in the enterprise’s management dossier as the basis for monitoring, analyzing, and developing policies and methods for the purpose of improving compliance with the labor law.

The enterprise is responsible for working with labor unions in preparing online reports of self-inspection outcomes, as per written the request from the State Inspectorate.

The enterprise, including its branches and offices, and any construction entities are obliged to send an online report on the results of self-inspection activities to relevant supervisory authorities and local Inspectorates of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs in locations where the enterprise’s branches and offices or the construction entities operate.

Enterprises must prepare reports and self-inspection dossiers in accordance with regulations or be subject to a fine.

VN Economic Times