Visual artist Claire Xuân will present her art at the special programme entitled ASAES that embodies the five flavours of the gastronomy world. Photo courtesy of the artist



The event consists of an exhibition of original graphic compositions and a journey that highlights, in perfumes and flavours, the natural heritage of different countries.

These five tastes - bitter, sweet, acid, spicy and salty - whose first letters in French form the acronym ASAES, are associated with the natural raw materials selected by visual artist Claire Xuân.

The event aims to bring together the imagination, observation and memory of audiences.

Benjamin Rascalou, chef of the restaurant La Badiane, will offer a tasting of a recipe specially created for the event during the opening ceremony. The exhibition will run until June 30 at the French cultural centre L’Espace, 24 Tràng Tiền Street, Hà Nội. — VNS