HP Ice Lounge & Coffee in Binh Thanh District, HCMC is a great hideaway for people who wish to escape scorching sunlight and heat in the city.


Seafood pumpkin soup is a favorite treat at the café

Guests to HP Ice Lounge & Coffee will be equipped with warm jackets, gloves and hats to before entering an intermediate room to adapt to low temperatures. 

After several minutes in the room which is equipped by two benches, they will be led into a tunnel with temperatures falling to minus 5 degrees Celsius.

In the tunnel, there are some big ice walls and meticulously carved bird statues in the air. The tables and chairs are all made from ice. 

Guests savor a special cocktail in a tunnel which is minus 5 degrees Celsius

On each table, there is a flower vase made from ice as well. Guests can get further into the tunnel to discover more beautiful statues with colorful visual effects.

Visitors can stop by a bar with many wine bottles in beautiful shapes. 

Guests are advised to order some cocktail or mocktail served in some square-shape glasses, also made from ice. Drinks are included in the entrance ticket that costs VND120,000 per person.

Another highly recommended treat is a seafood pumpkin soup. There are some other dishes and beer available.

A peaceful corner inside an ice tunnel at the HP Ice Lounge & Coffee 

According to Thu Dung, the owner of the café, the statues and decoration patterns are regularly changed on special occasions like International Women’s Day and Valentine’s Day. Guests may have the opportunity to see artisans creating ice artworks.

Visitors are asked to stay in the intermediate room to adapt to temperature changes before exiting the café.

HP Ice Lounge & Coffee is open daily from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. at 230 Nguyen Van Dau Street, Binh Thanh District, HCMC.