Esports is becoming a market of some potential in Vietnam, according to a recent report from the Appota JSC and VTVPlay.


In early 2018, Esports tournaments around the country offered prizes of up to VND8 billion ($350,000), attracting millions of viewers and a huge amount of corporate sponsorship. This allows professional players to earn a handy income and provides opportunities for up-and-coming players.

Esports not only bring in revenue for gamers but also tournament commentators like PewPew and Viruss. Hundreds of modern, professional and high-quality rooms are being created around the country and are gaining in popularity.

The explosion of Esports around the world and in Vietnam is gradually changing people’s perception of it as a sport.

The report shows that, since 2000, Esports from Asia have exploded globally, with a number of international tournaments taking place with major prizes on offer. In 2017, the International Olympic Committee recognized Esports as an official sport and the Asian Games decided this year to put Esports into the official competition.

It is expected that, by 2021, more than 2.5 billion people around the world will play video games. The report also outlines some of the reasons that Esports have become a global phenomenon, including elements such as easy-to-access play via online platforms and other technological developments.

In Vietnam, the Electronic Entertainment Association was established in 2009 to improve the profile of Esports. Professional teams have appeared since 2010 and are paid very well. The Pro League, for example, offers prizes totaling VND2 billion ($88,000). The number of fans is constantly increasing, with the 2.8 million in Vietnam in 2016 expected to reach 9.1 million by 2021.

Esports on mobile devices ae gradually dominating the market. Developed in 2015, mobile Esports bonuses made up nearly half of the total prize money in 2017. This year, two out of the six games in the Asia Games 2018 are mobile games.

The gaming industry and Esports are thriving in Vietnam and quickly emerging as a popular marketing channel. Mr. Tran Vinh Quang, CEO of Appota, said in the report that they provide basic data and background on the market. “We look forward to contributing to helping Esports in Vietnam develop,” he said.

Appota is a pioneer in Vietnam in providing smartphone platforms in Game Release, Advertising and Payments.

This is the first time an Esport report has been published in Vietnam by Appota and VTVPlay.

VN Economic Times