Hoang Nhat Anh, 26, a stylist working in Hanoi, visited his girlfriend’s houses a few weeks ago for the first time.


Hoang Nhat Anh and Nguyen Hoang

Sparks didn’t fly though and the visit was a failure, mainly as Anh had to wash dishes for five hours after they had finished eating.

When he returned home, Anh posted a status on a Facebook group about his horrible experience.

The post quickly received hundreds of likes and comments, including some from a man the same age from Da Nang City named Nguyen Hoang, who had a lot of empathy for Anh’s story. After several comments, the two decided to send private messages until 4am that morning.

When the two of them had finished chatting, Anh felt very different. He realised he liked Hoàng but not as a friend; it felt like love.

Anh and Hoangkept talking every day. On May 8, Hoang decided to take a flight from Da Nang to Hanoi to meet Anh. They became a couple that day. Hoàng said he was very happy to find his true self and the man of his life.

Anh is now glad he had to wash all those dishes, as that experience led him to his true self and lover. Every cloud truly does have a silver lining.—VNS