An exhibition showcasing pastel paintings of the late painter Van Giao  who was among the first generation of students of the École des Beaux-Arts de l’Indochine in Hanoi — will open to public starting 5pm today at the Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts.

A landscape painting by late painter Van Giao is on display at the exhibition.

Van Giao devoted all his life to pursuit his favourite theme: President Ho Chi Minh.

 The artist even spent months living in many different places where Uncle Ho used to live and work in search of inpiration for his paintings.

Those places include Uncle Ho’s home province of Nghe An, and Pac Bo in the mountainous province of Cao Bang, where Nguyen Ai Quoc (another adopted name of President Ho Chi Minh) secretly stayed after his return from abroad to preapre for the August Revolution in August, 1945.

Alongside paintings about the national hero, Giao also earned fame for his fluffy-stroke landscape paintings.

At the exhibition, titled Van Giao on Every Road, visitors will have chance to contemplate many of his works, which are on display to public for the first time. 

The exhibition will celebrate his 100th birthday and the 20th anniversary of his death. The National Museum of Fine Arts is located at 66 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street.