Many National Assembly (NA) deputies and voters consider the election of Madam Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan as Vietnam's first female top legislator a turning point for the legislature.


Newly-elected NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan at the swearing-in ceremony


Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has become the first Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) chairperson to be sworn into office according to the 2013 Constitution.

Voters nationwide expect that she will fulfill her tasks and make great contributions to the nation's development in the time ahead.

Ngo Xuan Chien of Hanoi said Ngan was the first female leader to one of Vietnam’s top 4 positions. He said, “We are hoping that the new National Assembly leader will listen to the aspirations of the people as well as their concerns over land, housing, construction, traffic, security, and national defense. We hope that the NA will devise new policies to respond to the current global situation and protect Vietnam’s maritime sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Another Hanoi resident Le Thi Hien Ninh said Ms Ngan is worth her election.

“I’m glad that Ms Ngan was elected Vietnam’s first female top legislator. This is a demonstration of increased gender equality and women’s role in Vietnam. I hope that she will continue to care about the people’s aspirations and protect women’s rights,” Ninh said.

Meanwhile, NA deputies expressed their conviction that in her new position Chairwoman Ngan will continue to fulfill her tasks well.

Nguyen Anh Son, a NA deputy for Nam Dinh province said,“I believe that with her experience, political skills, and profound knowledge, especially of economics, Madam Ngan will fulfill well the tasks and responsibilities of NA leader. She will know how to make full use of the achievements of the 13th NA to make her term a great success.”

Truong Trong Nghia, who represents Ho Chi Minh City, said the election of Madam Ngan is in line with national integration, gender equality, and Vietnam’s guideline to increase the number of female deputies to 30%.

 “The strong point of the new chairperson is her young age. I believe she will build on the achievements of her predecessor and use her own strength to fulfill her duties,” Nghia added.

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