Some experts have expressed their opposition over the demolition of Thuong Tho Palace in HCM City built during the French colonial period to make way for an expanded municipal government building.


Thuong Tho Palace

The palace was built in the mid-19th century as the seat of the colonial administration.   

HCM City’s Department of Planning and Architecture held a seminar to seek expert opinion on whether the palace should be preserved.

Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Manh Hung said that it would a mistake to demolish the 150-year-old building which has real historical value.

Associate Prof. Dr. Ton Nu Quynh Tran, director the Centre for Urban and Development Studies, said that it was an urgent need to preserve the palace, as an iconic Saigon landmark.

“We’ve already removed many French colonial-era works, this should not be repeated,” Tran noted, adding that it is essential to consider how to preserve and enhance its value.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoa from HCM City Institute for Research and Development, the city should think of ways to build people’s committee but while maintaining the palace.

Thuong Tho Palace, built in 1860, symbolises the conquest of the Saigon region,” Nguoi Lao Dong (Worker) newspaper quoted historian Tran Huu Phuoc Tien as saying.

“For three centuries, the palace served as administrative headquarters from central to local levels. In HCM City there are few buildings with the same function as the palace.

“The palace deserves to be declared a historic site,” Tien stressed.

Vo Kim Cuong, the former deputy chief architect of the city, said the palace has great architectural significance. “It now belongs to the government and so is very easy to preserve its historic value,” Cuong said.

Thuong Tho Palace is among the oldest architectural works in HCM City. Since 1975, it has acted as the office of the departments of Industry and Trade and Information and Communications.

Lao Dong/Dtinews