As from September when the rice fields in the northeast and northwest regions turn yellow, travelers who prefer to discover natural beauty should prepare for a trip there.

In October, pink and while buckwheat flowers bloom in the mountainous province of Ha Giang. On the occasion, Saigontourist Travel Service Co. has rolled out “Hunting flowers, watching paddy fields” tours in which travelers can save up to VND4.2 million per trip.

The ripe rice season in the northeast and northwest regions often comes from mid-September to mid-October. Certainly, the vast yellow rice fields will give tourists peace of mind. In the tour programs, travelers expect to enjoy the beautiful terrace rice fields in La Pan Tau, Che Cu Nha, and Ze Xu Phinh communes in Mu Cang Chai in Yen Bai Province. The terrace rice fields on the hills look like giant ladders leading to the sky. Meanwhile, Mong and Dao ethnic people working on the rice fields also add color to the big painting of the ripe rice fields.

On the itinerary is a challenge: climbing the high mountains. Following Nghia Lo-Mu Cang Chai-Sapa route, travelers will reach Khau Pha Pass, one of the four biggest passes in the northwestern region. Another outstanding name is O Quy Ho Pass on the rugged and majestic Hoang Lien Son mountain. It is the highest mountain in the north, being nearly 50 kilometers in length and nearly 2,000 meters in height. Tourists can also watch the roof of Indochina-Fansipan from May yard and the yellow rice fields in Muong Hoa Valley in Sapa.

Those are the five-day Den Hung-Yen Bai-Mu Cang Chai-Sapa-Hanoi tour starting from VND7.879 million, the six-day Hanoi-Yen Tu-Ha Long-Ninh Binh-Sapa tour starting from VND9.179 million, the four-day Hanoi-Sapa-Fansipan-Lao Cai tour starting from VND6.079 million, the six-day Hanoi-Lao Cai-Sapa-Ninh Binh-Ha Long tour starting from VND8.579 million, and the five-day Hanoi-Lao Cai-Sapa-Ha Long tour starting from VND7.579 million.

From October onwards, the season of buckwheat flowers will arrive after the rice harvest on the terrace fields. This is a typical flower of the northern mountainous region but it is best seen only in Ha Giang Province which has the most buckwheat fields. The pyramid-shape flower with a seed in the middle is blooming in white, then turns to light pink and finally dark red.

Apart from admiring the beauty of buckwheat flowers, tourists can discover the unique culture of ethnic minority people in the region by watching folk music performances, visiting Pho Cao Town where traditional houses of Mong people are preserved in good condition, and touring Lung Tam linen craft village of White Mong people. Other options include going to Vuong family’s property – a palace and a fort built from stone and wood in the late 19th century, and walking in Lung Cam Hamlet, which was used as a setting for popular movie Life of Pao.

The tour also brings tourists to other well-known destinations like Quan Ba heaven gate, the majestic Ma Pi Leng Pass, the breathtaking Dong Van Stone Plateau and the Lung Cu flagpole – Vietnam’s northernmost point.