Nearly everyone when visiting Minh Thuan commune in U Minh Thuong district (Kien Giang) has heard about Ms. Huynh Thi Lieu's family (71 years old) since there are 13 members of Mrs. Lieu's family who all have unique fingers and toes.

Visitors to Mrs. Lieu's residence frequently inquire about the family of 13's oddly shaped fingers and toes.

Her offspring and grandchildren tend to have large hands and feet which only have three fingers on each hand and foot. The length of these fingers and toes appear arc-shaped.

Mrs. Lieu said that her husband, Mr. Danh Van Cot, had limb deformities. The couple has a large family of nine children (6 females, 3 males). Seven out of nine children have hands and feet with varied numbers. Nine children were cared for by Mrs. Lieu after the death of Mr. Cot 20 years ago. Six of her grandkids were also born with odd limbs, just like their parents.

No one is prejudiced against them. The children of Mrs. Lieu are now all happily married, with children of their own.

“All of us have to be manual workers since our family is so impoverished. Moving and gripping things are quite challenging for us with malformed limbs. We couldn't wear shoes, therefore just go barefoot,” Mrs. Lieu remarked.

Danh Thi My (45 years old, daughter of Mrs. Lieu) has feet in the shape of a crab's claw. There are only three toes on her 11-year-old daughter's foot as well.

“There are 13 members in our three-generational family with just two or three fingers and toes on each limb. My family has been going through tough times. To make ends meet, I work as a hired worker every day. The ‘crab's claws’ make it tough to wear sandals, and it's easy to tumble when walking because of the curvature,” Mrs. My said.

Mrs. Lieu's 8-year-old grandson, Baby Danh Phuc, also suffers limb abnormalities. But despite this, Phuc enjoys running, jumping, and playing with other kids his age. Phuc is a dedicated student and can perform beautiful handwriting.

Gia đình 13 người có ngón tay chân kỳ lạ ở miền Tây
Thirteen members of Mrs. Lieu's family have unique hands and feet.


Gia đình 13 người có ngón tay chân kỳ lạ ở miền Tây

Oddly shaped limbs of Mrs. Lieu’s youngsters.


Gia đình 13 người có ngón tay chân kỳ lạ ở miền Tây

Danh Thi My - Mrs. Lieu's daughter.


Gia đình 13 người có ngón tay chân kỳ lạ ở miền Tây

Danh Phuc is a very dedicated student.

Gia đình 13 người có ngón tay chân kỳ lạ ở miền Tây
Phuc’s beautiful handwriting.


T. Chi

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