
Update news features

Consumer finance firms incur huge losses

Multiple consumer finance companies have fallen into distress as demand for consumer goods is on the decrease, while financial costs are on the rise. The golden days of the consumer finance market are over.

Odd service in VN: testing lovers for fidelity

Linh says she has helped clients conduct "tests" of nearly 60 men in order to find if the men are being faithful to their clients.

Local tourism industry goes green

In boosting ‘green’ tourism, the central province of Quang Nam has introduced the Silk Sense Hoi An River Resort as the first ‘zero plastic waste’ destination to expand its sustainable hospitality brand.

American investors keen on Vietnam’s semiconductor chip industry

Intel has spent USD 1.5 billion on a chip factory in Vietnam and will expand its investment in the near future.

Vietnam's position in Apple’s supply chain

Apple's 2022 global supplier list includes 25 suppliers that have set up factories in Vietnam.

Fetal intervention technique saves hundreds of babies

Using the world’s tiniest needle with a diametre of only 0.3mm, doctors have to be careful in every movement. The small needle is absolutely safe to both fetus and mother but poses a challenge to doctors who perform the technique.

Vietnam develops smokeless vehicles, considers hydrogen fuel cell cars

Vietnam has vowed to develop green transport and reduce net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. In addition to shifting from internal combustion engine to electric vehicles, hydrogen cars are also an option for consideration.

Fishermen dream of living on dry land

At the foot of the old Yen Xuan Bridge in Xuan Lam commune, Hung Yen District, there are about a dozen of old and worn out boats that fishermen call home.

Tycoons’ stock assets plummet, technology billionaire returns to top 10

While many businesspeople are seeing their stock assets decrease sharply, Truong Gia Binh, a technology billionaire, is reaping fruit.

The children who earn a living by blowing fire on 'Western Street'

Amid the boisterous atmosphere and noisy music, children on the ‘Western Street’ of Bui Vien in HCM City can be seen approaching visitors and, in a tiny voice, asking for money after risking their life performing fire breathing.

Artisan breathes new life into traditional handmade paper

Do Thu Huong is making paper lanterns to bring traditional values back into contemporary society, and is constantly experimenting and developing more exquisite products made with artisanal paper.

‘Call girl booking’ ads can’t be removed because of AI-based censorship regime

Stopping ads like call girl bookings from Facebook and Telegram, which are considered a ‘paradise’ for tricks, is becoming more difficult.

The consistent message shared during Vietnamese PM’s visit to the US

Turning enemies into friends, shifting from confrontation to dialogue, from opponents to partners, is the model of cooperation, settlement and reconciliation adopted after the war for the sake of mutual development and prosperity.

The dark, hidden corner of petroleum distributors: big tax debts, exit ban

A number of petroleum distributors are in distress: their tax debts are increasing and their leaders have been prohibited from leaving the country.

Users warned about call girl booking services on Facebook, Google

Most ads on Facebook and Google related to callgirl booking are traps laid to swindle users out of money through “task implementation".

When the Vietnam-US relationship is upgraded to the highest level

After Vietnam and the US agreed on upgrading their relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, reforms will be implemented so that the economy can unleash its internal strength and take off.

Japanese woman wholeheartedly runs projects on clean agriculture in Vietnam

In hope of promoting environmentally friendly agriculture and supporting community development in Vietnam, Ms. Ino Mayu, founder of the non-governmental organization Seed To Table, has taken actions in every village to support clean agriculture.

Chemical, technology firms see opportunities in VN’s semiconductor strategy

FPT and Duc Giang Chemicals are expected to have high earnings from the strong wave of investment in semiconductors thanks to the high demand for chips and yellow phosphorus.

Urban railway projects going slowly, investment capital increase required

Problems are occurring in most urban railway projects: the implementation has been slow and the required investment capital has had to be raised multiple times.

Super-rich Vietnamese number nearly 1,000

The number of USD billionaires in Vietnam has decreased, but the number of super-rich people has risen rapidly and is expected to increase sharply in coming years.