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The collision caused heavy damage to the left side of the tourist boat, leaving three seriously injured. — Photo www.sggp.org.vn
A ferry carrying passengers collided with a tourist boat on the Tiền River in An Giang Province on Friday evening, leaving three people injured.

The incident occurred at around 5.25 pm in Vĩnh Xương Commune, Tân Châu Town when the ferry (plate number: 99K AG-21477), operated by Võ Văn Nhân, was travelling from Thường Phước 1 Commune in Đồng Tháp Province to Vĩnh Xương.

Meanwhile, the tourist boat (AG-23338), operated by Phan Thành Được, was travelling from the border area towards Tân Châu.

The collision caused significant damage to the left side of the tourist boat. The tour guide, Ab Dol Ro Zak, sustained severe injuries, including a severed right arm and broken legs.

Two foreign tourists, Koehler Dietmar Heinz (German national) and Kormann Pascale Aline (French national), also suffered broken legs.

Following the collision, Vĩnh Xương's police rushed the injured to Tân Châu Hospital for emergency treatment.

On Friday evening, the police towed the tourist boat and the ferry to the shore to investigate the cause of the collision.

The incident is still under investigation. — VOV/VNS