The 22nd fine arts exhibition in Ho Chi Minh City region featuring 122 art works of 107 artists opened at the Fine Arts Museum in District 1 on August 8.


The work" Khong gioi han" (No limit) by Hoang Tuong Minh

The exhibits made of various materials, such as silk, acrylic, lacquer, wood, metal , composite and other on a variety of subjects were selected from 183 submissions of 123 authors from last August to July, 2017. 

This year’s submissions focused on culture, history, landscapes, daily life, social issues, patriotism, armed forces and national sovereignty over islands and sea

The contest organizing committee said there was no first prize winner. The three B prizes went to Hoang Tuong Minh for the work" Khong gioi han" (No limit), Nguyen Huu Duc for the work "Doi thoai" (Dialogue) and Lam Tri Trung for the work "Ruong bap o Moc Bai" (Cornfield in Moc Bai).

The organizers also awarded three C prizes, 5 encouragement prizes and chose 7 best artworks to compete on the award by the National Committee of the Vietnam Union of Literature and Arts.