A recent nude photo exhibition, which was recently held in Hanoi from July 20-27, has generated considerable success as it has paved the way for a genre of fine art photography which was not entirely welcomed due to traditions and social customs.


A visitor admiring the photos on display at the exhibition  

The exhibition, showcasing 52 artworks by 10 photographers, was the first-ever nude photo exhibition to be hosted by a State-run agency, the Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibition.

A few days after the exhibition, the photographs received friendly appreciation from the public and arts critics.

Vi Kien Thanh, Head of the Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibition, said that the curators and the department in general strictly observed the Government’s Decree 72 on photographic activities in their thorough consideration and selection for the photos on display at the exhibition.

With the hope to draw a line between aesthetic and human values of the arts of nude photography against offensive nude photos, the exhibition was designed to untie the knot of social prejudice against nude photographers and nude photography, which should have an equal position and proper appreciation with other genres of photography.

Most of the works on display represented the typical styles of each participating photographers, through their distinguished light effects, space and retouches, which were utilised to honour the subtle beauty of the female body.

Nguyen Dzung Art, one of the participating photographers, said that the exhibits might not provide a full perceptiveness or satisfaction for visitors on nude photography, but it was an enormous success.

“I highly appreciated the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibition in particular, for organising the event and invited us to join it,” he said, adding that he was truly happy to see public appreciation towards nude photography.


A photo by Nguyen Dzung Art on display at the exhibition

Experienced photographer Trinh Hai applauded the support from the organisers in hosting the first-ever nude exhibition in Hanoi. It is heartening that the public showed no opposition or hate against the photos, as they tended to welcome the exhibition instead.

“People seemed to be afraid to host such event, but as for me, it is absolutely normal,” he said, stressing that female beauty is the Creator’s chosen gift to women.

He went on to state that it is wrong to stop the act of honouring beauty and the artists who capture the charm and lift it into art should be respected.

“I supported the organisation of the exhibition, which should be duplicated so that the public can gain perceptive on aesthetics and humanity.

Daniel, a foreign visitor at the exhibition, hailed that the photos are beautiful and full of vitality.

Sharing the same opinion, Nguyen Thuy Linh, 18, who came to the exhibition with her friends, shared that nude photography is a unique and charming genre of arts. The photos on display generated a fresh and subtle look into the arts.

It is a worth-visiting exhibition, she concluded, expressing her hope for more events like this.

Nhan Dan