Vietnam and the UK have agreed to set up a mechanism of defence policy dialogue at the deputy ministerial level, with the first event expected to take place later this year. 


Deputy Defence Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh (R) receives UK Ambassador Gareth Ward in Hanoi on August 17 (Photo:

The information was revealed at a meeting between Deputy Defence Minister Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh and UK Ambassador to Vietnam Gareth Ward in Hanoi on August 17.

At the meeting, the two sides shared the view that defence cooperation between the countries has been developing well, especially in terms of delegation exchange, training, and participation in the United Nations peacekeeping force.

Deputy Minister Vinh appreciated the UK’s effective support for Vietnam’s preparations for sending the level-2 field hospital to South Sudan.

He asked the European nation to continue giving Vietnam advice on the deployment of sappers to UN peacekeeping missions and enhance cooperation in defence industry.

Host and guest agreed that in order to lift bilateral defence ties to a new height and turn it into a pillar of their strategic partnership, the two sides should increase mutual visits at all levels, add and upgrade cooperation mechanisms, support each other at multilateral forums, and expand foreign language training for their military personnel. –VNA