The first electronic education book series for children from 0 to 6 years old in Viet Nam was launched yesterday by the VSK early childhood education research institute. 


The book series entitled "Doi thay the gioi tu mot goc nhin" (Change the world from a perspective) was launched yesterday on, as part of an online early education project by the VSK research institute. — Photo



The book series entitled "Doi thay the gioi tu mot goc nhin" (Change the world from a perspective) was launched yesterday on giaoducsom.vnas part of an online early education project by VSK. 

The series comprise three books that instruct parents on how to educate their children during pregnancy, the first year after birth, and from the age of one to five. 

Parents are guided on what and how they should teach their children on a weekly basis during each period. 

Users can access the website through wi-fi connected computers, smartphones and tablets. They have to open an account first in order to read and download the books. 

Research has shown that 0 to 6 years was the golden period for educating children, Pham Danh Tin, general director-cum-president of the institute, said at the book launch ceremony yesterday. 

If children received enriching and serious education during this period, they would be able to maximise their innate potential later, he said. 

"However, the cost of preschool is relatively high for parents earning an average income in Viet Nam, preventing preschoolers from getting an education," the director said. 

"That is the reason why we have developed this online early education project." 

Though early education was a breakthrough in the science of education, low awareness of parents in terms of child care was wasting this potential, Dr Nguyen Ky Anh, president of the IPD human potential development research institute, said at the ceremony. 

"Some parents only pay attention to the physical growth of their children and forget to foster their mental growth and innate gifts," he said. 

The launch of the online education books would give parents an opportunity to gain new and modern knowledge on early childhood education, especially on evoking their children's potential, the president said. 

This project is the first online early education project in Viet Nam.

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