HCM City University of Economics has became the first university in Viet Nam to exempt tuition fees and even pay postgraduate students who decide to study for a PhD at the university.


HCM City University of Economics. — Photo ueh.edu.vn

Vice Principal of the university Nguyen Huu Huy Nhut said the policy aimed to create favourable conditions for postgraduates to complete their PhD courses and increase the university’s studies published in international journals.

Besides tuition fee exemption, the university will offer financial assistance, working places and housing for the students, Tuoi tre (Youth) newspaper reported.

With their mentors’ agreement, postgraduates could lecture and get paid like lecturers who have a Master’s degree. They are not allowed to teach more than 450 hour per year, half of a full-time university lecturer’s working hours.

Postgraduates are required to sign a contract with the university, committing to work 40 hours weekly and participate in other activities.

They have to have at least one article published in international journals qualified for International Scientific Indexing (ISI). Scopus-indexed journals have high quality peer-reviewed publications.

If they fail to fulfill the publication obligation, postgraduates will have to pay tuition fees. — VNS