Many farmers who depended on catching fish and other aquatic creatures during the flood season in the Mekong Delta have switched to other jobs since the delta has not seen major flooding in recent years. 

Fishermen used to catch fish and other aquatic creatures during the flood season in the Mekong Delta 

The delta’s flood season, caused by the rise in water levels in the Mekong and its tributaries, is normally between August and November. 

In years when floods are high, water flows into rice fields, bringing not only silt but also large quantities of fish and other creatures. 

Ho Thanh Duoc, who has been catching fish for more than 40 years in flooded fields in Giong Bang hamlet in Dong Thap province’s Hong Ngu district, said he has switched to buffalo breeding and hired labour to earn a living since he was only able to catch small quantities of fish in the last three years. 

“Last year, I could not catch many fish. This year I could only catch a few for my family to eat. I could not earn any money from fishing this year.” 

Giong Bang is one of first places to be flooded in the upstream province of Dong Thap. 

The hamlet has some 170 households of which 80 percent used to earn a livelihood from fishing during the flood season. 

However, most have now switched to farming buffaloes, cows and eel and other jobs in recent years, according to the Hong Ngu District Labour, Invalid and Social Affairs Bureau. 

In An Giang, one of the delta’s most flood-prone provinces, people have also turned to farming eel, snakehead fish, animals or fruits. 

Do Van Luon of An Giang’s An Phu district said: “I and my wife used to catch fish during the flood season. But the floods have not come this year. I now breed 50 pythons to improve my income.” 

Bui Thanh Son, Chairman of Phu Hoi communal People’s Committee in An Phu district, said more than 300 of the commune’s 3,000 households make a living by fishing during the flood season. 

“There have been no big floods in recent years and the commune has petitioned authorities to organise vocational training courses for fishing farmers to help them find new jobs and not rely on flooding.” 

Farming restructured 

Tran Anh Thu, Director of the An Giang provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, said in the past two years the flooding has been scanty and so his department has helped people switch to aquaculture and growing crops. 

Breeding eel, featherback and snakehead in ponds, which does not require much water, helps farmers control disease outbreaks. 

The scale of the farming is not large but the task is easy whether or not the flooding is intense, according to the department. 

It has also instructed farmers to grow other crops like lotus and water caltrop. 

An Giang has also reduced the area of the third rice crop in some places and switched to baby corn, sesame, fruits and other crops. 

Tong Van Uol of An Giang’s An Phu district, for instance, has grown lotus on his 1.3ha rice field this flood season and earned a better income than from rice. 

Lotus farming has been becoming popular in An Phu. Pham Thanh Tam, deputy head of the district Agriculture and Rural Development Bureau, said, “The district encourages farmers to grow two rice crops and one cash crop a year or one rice crop and two cash crops.” 

Dong Thap province has also restructured farming and switched to crops that require less water than rice. 

The Dong Thap provincial People’s Committee is also implementing a programme to develop key local crops, focusing on corn, soy bean, sesame, and red chilly. 

This year Dong Thap plans to grow 44,000ha of cash crops, 5,300ha more than last year. 

It is also working with the Southern Irrigation Science Institute for a project to improve the livelihoods of 11,400 families living in the areas worst inundated during the flood season. They include Hong Ngu, Tam Nong and Thanh Binh districts and Hong Ngu town. 

The project will help farmers switch from a third rice crop to farming other crops, fish, and blue-legged prawn besides helping store flood waters, according to the provincial People’s Committee. 

In Can Tho, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has encouraged farmers to breed aquatic species to improve their incomes besides catching fish. 

The department has also released fish fries into water bodies to regenerate natural stocks.