The Korea Times of the Republic of Korea has recently run an article citing regulations stipulated in international law to prove that the U-shaped line claimed by China in the East Sea is not China’s baseline.


China's U-shaped line.

The article, which was published on March 16 under the title “ U-shaped line is not China's baseline”, said China has never given any explanation for the legality of the line under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982), which has also been ratified by China.

The way to determine the claimed U-shaped line does not follow the methods to outline the baseline prescribed in the UNCLOS 1982, including a normal baseline (article 5), straight baseline (article 7) and island baseline (article 47).

Therefore, the provisions of the Chinese baselines violate two fundamental principles that is a violation of the territorial sovereignty of Vietnam and also a violation of the provisions of the UNCLOS 1982 about making a baseline, it concluded.

The article also presented historical foundations affirming Vietnam’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes.

Over the past three centuries, Vietnam has continuously protected and enforced its sovereignty over the islands in line with international law, according to the article.

The same day, Rzeczpospolita , a Polish national daily newspaper, also commented on China’s provocative acts in the East Sea.

Mentioning a requiem for soldiers, who died during a battle to defend Gac Ma Island in Vietnam’s Truong Sa archipelago in March 1988, held by the Vietnamese community at Thien Phuc Pagoda in Warsaw capital city, the article said China’s land reclamation and construction changing the status quo in the East Sea violate international law and are not in tune with interests of relevant countries.

On March 17, head of US naval operations, Admiral John Richardson said the US military had seen Chinese activity around Scarborough Shoal (Hoang Nham island) in the northern part of Truong Sa archipelago, about 200 km west of the Philippine base of Subic Bay.

Washington has regarded the Chinese activity around the reef as a precursor to more land reclamation in the East Sea, he said.

In their recent meeting in Tokyo, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and East Timor's President Taur Matan Ruak shared their serious concern over the recent situation in the East Sea.

The two leaders voiced opposition to any unilateral actions that could change the status quo and increase tensions in the East Sea.

In a regular press conference of the Foreign Ministry on March 17, Spokesperson Le Hai Binh replied to reporters’ query related to China’s recent activities in Vietnam’s Hoang Sa archipelago, such as bringing a 10,000-tonne ship with 300 tourists on board to Oc Hoa island, building an airport with a 3,500m airstrip on Cay island and encroaching An Vinh islands.

These activities run counter to common perceptions of the two countries’ high-level leaders, infringe the agreement on basis principles guiding the settlement of sea-related issues, and negatively affect the bilateral relations. They also break international law and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) signed in 2002 between ASEAN and China, complicate the situation and cause tensions in the East Sea, Binh said.

“Vietnam resolutely rejects and strongly opposes China’s above-mentioned actions, while requesting China to immediately end and not to repeat similar actions, to respect Vietnam’s sovereignty and international law, and to have practical actions contributing to developing the Vietnam-China friendship and cooperation, as well as maintaining peace and stability in the East Sea,” he added.

Vietnam once again affirms its indisputable sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes, the spokesman stated.