Foreign Ministry Deputy Spokeswoman Pham Thu Hang answered questions regarding citizen protection abroad during a regular press conference in Hanoi on March 31.


Foreign Ministry Deputy Spokeswoman Pham Thu Hang.

On China’s recent arrest of 108 Vietnamese workers for illegal immigration, Hang said upon learning about the news, the Vietnamese Consulate General in Nanning contacted and sent a diplomatic note to authorities of China’s Guangxi province, as part of citizen protection procedures.

According to the Consulate General, the workers are being detained in Ping Xiang, Guangxi for investigation and are healthy and under humane treatment.

After screening and finding the mastermind, they will be deported and handed over to Vietnamese authorities.

The Consulate General is actively working with Chinese authorities to track the case, she said.

Regarding Malaysia’s arrest of 25 Vietnamese crewmen for suspected illegal fishing, Hang said the Foreign Ministry and the Vietnamese embassy in Malaysia are working with host authorities to verify the fishermen’s identities and related information, while conducting necessary citizen protection paperwork.

On Chinese Taiwan’s March 23 arrest of two suspects who intentionally caused injuries leading to the death of Vietnamese businesswoman Ha Linh there, Hang said the Taiwanese police informed the Vietnamese side about the case on March 30.

The case is being investigated and regularly updated to Vietnamese relevant agencies, she said.

On the occasion, she also expressed appreciation for Taiwan’s efforts to deal with the case.

Another case involving Nguyen Thanh Ngoc Tuyet who was caught in Penang airport, Malaysia on June 26, 2013 and recently sentenced to 20 years in prison for drug trafficking, Hang said the Vietnamese embassy in Malaysia is coordinating with host authorities to protect her interests and rights.

Domestic agencies and senior leaders are paying attention to the case and in discussion with Malaysian counterparts.

Answering questions about Australia’s March 27 seizure of two Vietnamese vessels, with 29 fishermen aboard, for crossing into Australia’s waters, Hang said the Vietnamese embassy in Australia has sent diplomatic notes to the Australian Foreign Ministry’s Consular Department, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Fisheries Management Authority, creating the best possible conditions to offer necessary citizen protection for the arrestees.