The Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) has released the first publication of ‘diplomatic bluebook 2015’ highlighting the country’s foreign policies and outstanding achievements of the diplomatic sector in 2015.

mofa first publishes diplomatic bluebook hinh 0

The book’s content is comprised of six chapters on an overview of the international and regional situation and the foreign policy of the Vietnamese Party and State in 2015, developments in Vietnam’s bilateral relations, an outline of multilateral diplomacy, the results of economic and cultural diplomacy and the overseas Vietnam related affairs and their contribution to the Fatherland’s development and defence, the Party, the National Assembly and people’s external affairs, and the main guidelines of the foreign policy adopted at the 12th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).

At a ceremony making the announcement on September 22, MoFA Deputy Minister Le Hoai Trung described the edition as a significant event helping readers deepen understanding of Vietnam’s foreign policies and diplomatic activities aiming to serve the national cause towards ensuring peace, stability and development in the region and the world as a whole.

The book also reviews Vietnam’s external affairs in 2015 and in the five-year period and highlights the new external guidelines approved at the 12th National Party Congress, Trung noted.