Tam Ky built a database and digitized the names of streets and routes in the city in a plan to apply high technology to store, disseminate and explain the history of the country and localities.

This allows locals and foreign travelers to learn about every street in a simple way, with their smartphones via QR Code.

After four months, 12 more streets in Tam Ky have been digitized with QR Codes.

According to deputy head of the Tam Ky Culture and Information Sub-department, Nguyen Huu Kiet, the digitization of streets with QR Code was initially implemented on a trial basis with five streets in the city last April. With 12 more streets implemented in the last four months, the total number has increased to 17. 

The information about the 17 routes is shown in both Vietnamese and English. A report found that 500 people and travelers have scanned QR Codes to check information about the streets.

“Locals have given positive feedback about the creative and innovative move taken by the municipal authorities. The people who often scan QR Code to search information about streets are mostly travelers and students."

Hoang Khang, 23, who was seen using his smartphone scanning the QR Code on the name plates on Tran Phu street in Tan Thanh ward, found the information about the first Party Committee’s Secretary General in both Vietnamese and English.

“I find it interesting to look up information that way. It is different from the other localities where I have been. Foreigners no longer have to search for information about street names on Google,” he said.

He said that if this can be implemented with all the streets, it would be preferable.

Deputy chair of Tan Thanh ward Phan Van Ngoc said the digitization of street names (bilingual) began in the locality in June. Under the initial plan, at first, it was to be implemented with five streets and information only displayed in Vietnamese, while the display in English was to be implemented in the next step, by 2024. However, the local authorities decided to take the two steps at once.

The information about the names of streets exists in the form of electronic file (QR Code). The information about the streets (whom the streets are named after, biography of historic portraits, significance of the events …etc) will be displayed on smartphones after users scan the code.

Cong Sang