An Irish man who was attacked by three security guards at a restaurant in HCM City has made his apology for his bad behaviour after getting drunk.


Patrick Mullen (right) apologised to the restaurant owner (left) for his behaviour at the police station

Patrick Mullen said that on March 17 which fell on St. Patrick’s Day, he drank until the early morning of the next day.

After that Mullen came to the restaurant. However, the staff there refused to serve him as he got drunk. Mullen immediately insulted them and hit a security guard in his face, so the three security guards of the restaurant attacked Mullen.

The case stopped when local police came.

At the police station on March 21, Mullen apologised to the restaurant owner for his behaviour and hoped that the security guards will be allowed to continue working at the restaurant.

DTinews/Nguoi Lao Dong