A Dutch man who was beaten in the fight with a group of Vietnamese men admitted his fault that he was attacked, because he had insulted a car driver who had endangered him while driving. 


Aart Nicolass Teunissen was caused to bleed in the head and nose following the attack 

Colonel Tran Van Truong, head of Sapa District’s Police Department said that Aart Nicolass Teunissen, 64, claimed that on July 9, he and his Vietnamese wife were riding a motorbike in the tourist town of Sapa in Lao Cai Province, they faced heavy traffic. He became angry after the car was too close to his bike.

Aart and wife had an argument with the driver and passengers of the car about the dangerous driving.

Aart and his wife used their helmets to defend themselves against the five men in the car who left the two injured.

The investigation was carried out right after a clip of the incident was shared on social media.

At the police station, Aart was made to acknowledge his mistake and not to press charges against the Vietnamese men.
