VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) is encouraging the development of steel complexes in coastal areas where there are deep water ports and plentiful land.


Despite strong warnings by experts that steel projects may cause serious environmental consequences, MOIT is still determined to continue developing steel projects. It has opened the second draft version of the steel industry development strategy by 2025 for public opinion. 

In the central coastal areas alone, MOIT plans to have four large-scale steel complexes, namely Vung Ang, Ca Na – Ninh Thuan, Nghi Son and Quang Ngai.

Hoa Sen Group is believed to be the investor of the Ca Na – Ninh Thuan project which will be developed in five stages. The steel complex in Ha Tinh would be developed by the joint venture between Thach Khe Iron JSC and a foreign partner. The project in Nghi Son in Thanh Hoa province would be developed by Nghi Son Iron & Steel JSC. 

There is no information about the investor of the steel complex in Quang Ngai province, but some sources said Hoa Phat Group has expressed its willingness to take on the project.

MOIT still has not mentioned the total investment capital of the projects in the central coastal areas, but the figure could be tens of billions of dollars.

Of six steel development zones (northern mountainous area, Red River Delta, Central Highlands, the north of the central region & central coastal area, the east of the southern region and Mekong Delta), the northern central region and central coastal areas would have the most steel projects and the highest production capacity.

The Ninh Thuan provincial authorities have submitted the Hoa Sen – Ca Na project to the government. 

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) is encouraging the development of steel complexes in coastal areas where there are deep water ports and plentiful land.
Nguyen Mai, a renowned economist, now chair of VAFIE, confirmed that a MOIT representative called him and asked his opinion about the project.

“I personally opposed the project from the beginning,” he said.

Not only Mai, but many economists and environmentalists have also shown their protests against the project, issuing strong warnings about the risks of pollution to  territorial waters not only in Ninh Thuan, but also in Khanh Hoa and Phu Yen.

A question has been raised about where the investor can find water to run the steel complex in Ninh Thuan. Truong Thanh Hoai, director of the Heavy Industry Department admitted that this is the biggest problem of Ca Na – Ninh Thuan project.

“If the State does not spend money to develop irrigation network in Ninh Thuan, the investor will have to give up the project,” he said.
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