Four private clinics in Hanoi and HCM City on May 17 were fined for their violations of check-ups and treatment regulations.


Health Minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien checking a private clinic in HCM City in April

According to Assistant Prof. Luong Ngoc Khue, Head of the Ministry of Health’s Health Examination and Treatment Department, the fines were imposed following a recent inspection by Health Minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien on several private clinics in the two cities. 

The Hanoi Department of Health fined Thien Tam General Clinic VND40.7 million (USD1,800) and requested it removed the entire services it had advertised online, but had not yet been registered. 

The clinic was also required to conform the ministry’s regulations on patient health records.

Meanwhile, three clinics in HCM City, Raffles Medical; Mayo and Nguyen Trai were fined a total VND94 million (USD4,200). 

Among those, Nguyen Trai Clinic was required to pay VND42.4 million as it was found to advertise medical services which were not included in the operation licence. It had also failed to ensure the quality of its equipment and staff standards for certain treatments.

The inspection discovered that Nguyen Trai Clinic maintained health records of patients in a careless and haphazard manner. 

Ten health records of patients were found lacking patient personal information, symptoms, diagnosis of the disease and treatment undertaken.

Mayo Clinic which was fined VND36 million and Raffles Medical with VND15.7 million were also detected for advertisement regulation violations.

Assistant Prof. Luong Ngoc Khue, Head of the Ministry of Health’s Health Examination and Treatment Department, said that the ministry will continue tightening control over the operation of private clinics in the coming time. 

This is aimed to improve the examination and treatment quality of private clinics.
