The 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam focused their discussion on the regulations on Party cadres and members’ responsibility for setting example during the fourth working day of its 8th plenum on October 5. 


The Party Central Committee discussed the regulations on Party cadres and members’ responsibility for setting example on October 5

In the morning, the Party Central Committee (PCC) discussed in groups the regulations on responsibility to set example of officials and Party members, first of all members of the Politburo, the PCC Secretariat and the PCC. 

The establishment of sub-committees to prepare for the 13th National Party Congress was also tabled for discussion. 

In the afternoon, the PCC gathered at the hall for a plenary session, continuing to debate the above mentioned issues. 

[Infographics: Key contents of the 12th Party Central Committee’s 8th plenary meeting]

The 12th Party Central Committee’s eighth plenum opened on October 2, with the participation of 223 delegates, including 176 official members of the CPV Central Committee and 20 alternate members.

Main items on the session’s agenda include reports on the country’s socio-economic situation and State budget in 2018 and a socio-economic development plan and budget estimates for 2019, the 10-year implementation of the resolution of the 10th Party Central Committee’s 4th session on the Vietnam Maritime Strategy towards 2020, draft regulations on the responsibility for setting example of Party members and officials, especially Politburo members, members of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and the Party Central Committee; and the establishment of sub-committees in preparation for the 13th Party Congress. 

Personnel work is also a topic in the working agenda, along with several other important issues.

The Party Central Committee is expected to issue conclusions on the socio-economic development situation and State budget in 2018 and a socio-economic development plan and budget estimates for 2019, adopt a resolution on Vietnam’s sustainable sea-based economic development strategy, and issue regulations on the responsibility for setting example of Party members and officials.

 The session will last until October 6.-VNA