The French Chamber of Deputies on March 17 officially ratified the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) between Vietnam and the European Union.


A plenary session of French Chamber of Deputies

The PCA is a framework agreement that looks to adjust the relationship between Vietnam and the EU and replaces the 1995 Vietnam-European Commission Framework Cooperation Agreement.

The deal allows Vietnam to access the EU market more easily on the basis of the equal, long-term, and stable partnership and comprehensive cooperation.

Signed on June 27, 2012, the pact will come into force after it is ratified by all EU members. Italy and Greece have yet to ratify the agreement.

The PCA was sailed through the Senate of France on December 17, 2015, with 100 percent of the vote.

Vietnamese-French Gwanegan Bui, a member of the Committee for Foreign Affairs under the Chamber of Deputies, said that the Chamber of Deputies’ ratification will create a legal framework, contributing to expanding cooperation as well as encouraging positive changes in politics, socio-economics, and the environment between the EU and Vietnam.