Swaggers, an all-female French dance group, will stage two contemporary and hip hop dance shows in Ho Chi Minh City on June 10 and Hanoi on June 11.


The group is currently touring Asia with Vietnam as the last stop to perform their famous dance piece “In the middle”.

“In the middle” is a beautiful symphony between movement, body language, music, costume and light, in which the performers explore the journey of finding the inner balance that we seem to have forgotten in modern times. Images of Western beauty are incorporated with elegant and sensual dance moves to create a breath-taking performance.

Theatregoers will have a chance to enjoy different perspectives of hip hop, blended with ‘krumping’, a type of street dance style popularised in the US, and house dancing.

The six-member Swaggers group was founded in 2009 by talented French dancer and choreographer Marion Motin. 

The Swaggers won the Dance Delight Contest in France in 2010 and first runner-up at the Hip-hop International in Paris the same year. They then topped the Hip-hop Games Contest in Lille, France in 2012.

Marion Motin is dubbed as “choreographer of the stars” and “the star of choreographers”. As a cross-border choreographer from classical music to Hip Hop, Motin has worked with international pop singers such as Madonna, Stromae and Christine and the Queens.

Nhan Dan