Tomorrow, the Friends of Vietnam Heritage (FVH) will host a cultural lecture on the theme ”Female Heroes in Viet Nam”.


In Vietnamese history, the Trung sisters famously led the first national uprising against the Chinese Han invaders. Tomorrow, the Friends of Vietnam Heritage (FVH) will host a cultural lecture on the theme ”Female Heroes in Viet Nam”.

In Viet Nam women have always been at the forefront in the resistance against foreign domination. 

Two revered and popular heroines are the Trung sisters, who famously led the first national uprising against the Chinese Han invaders in 40AD. 

But they are not the only icons who have exerted such influence in Viet Nam’s society, history and culture. 

The role of women encompasses numerous areas such as warriors, nurses, mothers and wives – from ancient history to the modern day.

The lecture will touch on the role of women in Viet Nam, including worship, beliefs, and different aspects of heroism, as well as the Trung sisters’ folk religion. 

The talk will be supported by visuals and as much explanation as possible. The organiser’s aim is to make this as visually interesting and as engaging as possible.

Ass. Prof. Dr Pham Lan Oanh from the Viet Nam Institute of Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS) will conduct the lecture and there will be an Q&A section at the end.

Running from 7pm until 8.30pm, the English-speaking event will take place at Play! Café, 3rd Floor, 318 Lac Long Quan Street. 

Donation: VND200,000. Limit: 40 people. Contact: Stella Ciorra,, 01662 979 605.