
As usual, on the first Sunday of each month, the “Ex-lover fair” takes place in 58/52 To Ngoc Van (Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi).

With target to help young people ease the ex-lover nostalgia via exchanging, selling their love monuments, the 7th fair attracted great flux of attendants.

The fair has the participation of nearly 20 booths with untold hidden stories. Dinh Thang, the founder shared: “Once hang out with friends and heard them complaint about their love mementos, an idea crossed to my mind that we can held a fair about them. Attendants can gather to unhide their stories via exchanging these stuff". Starting with small-scale one, the fair gradually receives more Hanoi’s young people.

It’s common thought that: “These love mementos are neither used or thrown away, so we'd rather bring them to the fair for exchanging for the ones who will respect them”. 

Taking a tour around the fair reveals that main items sold here are notebook, book, scarf, accessories, and clothing with low-budget prices. Some of them even are given away for free as a sharing with strange person of the same nostalgia.

It’s unusual that 7th “Previous sweetheart fair” attract large amount of foreigners.

Especially, besides delightful activities, the fair attendants are exempted from booth-hiring fee. Only booth selling new stuff or using nylon package must pay fee. This is a way for Thang – the founder to spread the message of environment protection.



The crowded fair


Entrance to the fair 


Dinh Thang, founder of the fair talks with a booth's owner


Main items sold here are handbook, books, scarf, accessories, and clothing with low-budget prices


Nguyen Lien – a booth’s owner said: “Those notebook, which inspired from Japan were made by me and my ex-lover. We used to dream of making business from these commodity and then burn the revenue in travelling… But we broke up before the dream comes true and he got marriage one year ago”.


Phuoc Thuy – owning a book booth in the fair, shared: “All the stuff here attach to my love memories. Revenue doesn’t bother me at all, I just want to give them away, to let my love story rest in peace”.


The fair has the participation of nearly 20 booths with untold hidden stories.


Love memorizing stuff



Marcus, ( from England) was surprised by the fair’s target: “The items sold here are such unique. It’s quite rare to have similar event in England. A stunning idea, showing the Vietnamese modern and open way to face love memories”.
