The General Department of Fisheries said it rejected a Chinese fishing ban in the East Sea and would continue supporting local fishermen.


Vice head of the General Department of Fisheries Ha Le

Ha Le, vice head of the General Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development told Dan Viet News that China had issued a unilateral ban on fishing in multiple regions of the East Sea from May 1 to August 16.

"Actually, they issue a ban every year. The Gulf of Tonkin and the waters of Vietnam’s Paracel Islands are also included and this is an unreasonable move that seriously violated Vietnam's sovereignty and the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea. So this ban doesn't have any legal value," he said.

Le went on to say that China was complicating the situation and causing difficulties for Vietnamese fishermen. The department has issued directives to guide fishermen to continue their usual activities. The Fisheries Resources Surveillance will increase patrols.

"In previous years, we still went out fishing despite the Chinese bans thanks to directives from government agencies, local authorities as well as bodies in fisheries sector," Le said.

The fishermen should be fully informed at the ports and habours and the Fisheries Resources Surveillance will work with agencies to support fishermen on sea. Fishermen are advised to go in groups to support each other and will be trained for quick responses to different scenarios. 

Nguyen Ngoc Duc, head of the Fisheries Association, said when China issued the ban in late February, the association had quickly sent documents to the Government Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Commission for Foreign Relations to oppose and demand China to end the unreasonable ban.

"It clearly violates Vietnamese and international laws. We strongly oppose this ban and demand the government to voice the opposition and have measures to encounter to protect the fishermen and our sea. The government should have support policies to encourage people to keep going out and protect the sovereignty," he said.

dtinews/Dan Viet