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Gia Lai province carries out ethnic work and ethnic policies well.

In 2024, the Gia Lai Provincial Ethnic Committee will continue to direct localities in the province to effectively implement ethnic work, focusing on the National Target Program for socio-economic development in the ethnic minorities and mountainous areas in the period of 2021 - 2025.

Accordingly, with the determination to well implement ethnic policies, Phu Thien district has focused on supporting housing for 45 households, residential land for 4 households, job change for 115 households, and running water for 189 households. Regarding the work of rearranging the population of Kinh Peng village in Chu A Thai commune, the district has completed the work of compensation and site clearance, synchronously built infrastructure works. The workload reached 55% by the end of 2023.

In 2024, Phu Thien district is allocated 28 billion VND of development investment capital and 10.5 billion VND of other types of capital by the Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee. Currently, the district is considering to alocate the above capital to local agencies and localities. It is expected that by the end of January, it will submit the capital allocation plant to the District People's Council for approval.

Meanwhile, in 2022, Dak Po district was assigned 10.7 billion VND in investment capital and non-business capital to implement the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

The district disbursed more than 9.5 billion VND, reaching 88.5% of the plan. In 2023, the total allocated capital was 32.7 billion VND and the district disbursed more than 14 billion VND, reaching 42.9% of the plan.

At the conference to evaluate the results of implementation of ethnic affairs and ethnic policies in 2023, representatives of some local leaders proposed that the Government increase the level of support for residential land and production land for effective implementation the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

They also asked ministries and central agencies to soon consider adding additional subjects to implement vocational education contents under 3 national target programs for the period 2021 - 2025 and the following period...

In 2024, the capital source for this program is 932 billion VND, including more than 709 billion VND from the central budget; nearly 90 billion VND from the local budget, over 130 billion VND from direct credit capital; and 2.7 billion VND of integrated capital source.

In order to properly implement ethnic work and ethnic policies, the representative of Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee requested the Provincial Ethnic Committee and relevant departments, branches and localities to continue to improve the capacity of advisory and coordination work; enhance proactiveness in performing tasks, tighten administrative discipline; focus on implementing projects and subprojects under the program; research, advise and propose to the Provincial People's Committee to implement ethnic programs and policies promptly and in accordance with regulations; regularly monitor and grasp the socio-economic development situation in ethnic minority areas to promptly resolve arising problems; strengthen propaganda, dissemination and education of laws and ethnic policies.

Khanh Vy