An 11-year-old girl has died while her twin sister is in critical condition after eating toad in Hoa Binh Province. 


According to the Vietnam National Hospital of Paediatrics, the surviving 11-year-old from the northern province of Hoa Binh was in critical condition due to poisoning.

"She is receiving treatment and is now in stable condition," the hospital said. 

The twins’ family said that the children caught the toad and cooked it themselves on May 30. Two hours after eating the toad, they started vomiting and were sent to Hoa Binh Provincial General Hospital. 

Despite receiving extensive treatment at the hospital, one of the girls died and the other was transferred to the Vietnam National Hospital of Paediatrics.

Deputy head of the Emergency and Toxic Management Department at the Vietnam National Hospital of Paediatrics, doctor Le Ngoc Duy, said that toad would contain some organs, such as liver, eggs, or skin which contain bufotenin which are poisonous. "We have reported many of such cases, including death by poison caused by eating toad."
