Around 30,000 Vietnamese farmers in 9 provinces in the country will be trained to use internet for their work by Google over the next three years.


Google support Vietnamese farmers by teaching them to use internet (Photo: SGGP)

Google announced to back Vietnam Farmers’ Union by providing training courses to 40 trainers and 500 staffers who will later guide 10,000 farmers through offline sessions.

This activity is expected to benefit another 20,000 farmers through online training programs.

After the pilot training in the first quarter in 2017, Google realized that Vietnamese farmers should continue receiving the support after the courses.

Accordingly, the course is open to children and relatives of participants of the first course which were taught how to use basic tools and application to improve farming. 

Eric Schmidt, Chairman of Google's parent Alphabet said that IT is making the difference in lives of millions of people day by day. Farmers will be taught to use internet to find out useful information for their work via network, said Eric.

He expected that farmers will improve cultivation and farming techniques, increase productivity, and access useful information in their daily lives through the internet.