The Government has told the Ministries of Science and Technology, and Planning and Investment to quickly connect their database to avoid confusion in State management.


The connection of the intellectual property database managed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the business registration database managed by the Ministry of Planning and Investment must be completed by May, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam ordered in a correspondence.

The connection is aimed at dealing with the situation that each ministry manages a separate database on the registration and protection of intellectual property and industrial property rights. 

This has resulted in confusion, such as granting the name of a company which had registered for brand protection earlier to another company.

A typical example stated in the document is that the industrial property database managed by the National Office of Intellectual Property which is not connected with the business registration database managed by Ministry of Planning and Investment has caused the problem mentioned above.

The Deputy Prime Minister also asked the Ministry of Information and Communications to prepare solutions and submit them to the Prime Minister to synchronizing the database management among ministries and agencies. 

This helps effectively implement the directions of the Prime Minister on administrative reform, online public services, and business environment improvement.

In fact, the intellectual property protection has not been strictly controlled. 

State agencies can issue business registration certificates to enterprises in a few days but the complaint and dispute handling lasts five to six months or even a year.