Minister-Chairman of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung fielded questions on hot topics such as the escape of former Party member Trinh Xuan Thanh and the mass fish deaths in West Lake in Hanoi at a press conference on October 4. 

An investigation into Thanh and his alleged violations of State regulations on economic management during his leadership at PVC was launched

Dung said the case of Trinh Xuan Thanh, former member of Hau Giang province’s Party Committee and former Chairman of PetroVietnam Construction Corporation (PVC), attracted public concern. 

An investigation into Thanh and his alleged violations of State regulations on economic management during his leadership at PVC was launched, with domestic and international warrants for his arrest issued. 

Those moves proved that authorised agencies and officials did not cover up Thanh’s escape, Dung stressed. 

That Thanh fled to a foreign country was unexpected, he said, adding that relevant agencies did not believe that as a former Party member and official, he could easily escape law enforcement agencies and the Party. 

At the press conference, Minister Dung was asked about the website opened by the Government Office to receive businesses’ opinions. 

He said the website aims to facilitate business activities, helping to ensure an upright and transparent Government that works for the people and enterprises. 

He admitted that there are interest groups involving officials who cause troubles for businesses for personal gain. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has stressed transparency to tackle these interest groups and minimise negative phenomena at state agencies. 

Whenever the Government Office receives information about wrongdoing, it will inform relevant agencies and localities to handle the problems and violators, the Government spokesman added. 

Regarding the recent mass fish deaths in Ho Tay (West Lake) in Hanoi, Dung said this was an unprecedented incident. The PM ordered Hanoi’s administration to investigate the incident. 

The ministries of natural resources and environment, science and technology, and public security, and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology have also been directed to probe the mass fish deaths. 

They were asked to examine daily wastewater release, he said, adding that the cause of the incident will be publicised whenever it is found out.