Oil on canvas painting Ha Long, 55cm by 69cm, created by Vietnamese artist Nguyễn Mai Thu in 1951, has fetched US$35,000 at the 4th session of the Chọn Auction House in the capital city.


Ha Long, oil on canvas, painted by Nguyen Mai Thu.

The painting is the highest paid artwork under auction in this session, till date.

In recent years, at domestic auction sessions, many paintings by Vietnamese artists have been sold at high prices, including Red Peony (by Le Pho), sold for $40,000 in December, 2016 in HCM City; Ha Noi Old Quarters (by Bui Xuan Phai), sold for $102,000 at art auction Thien Nhan and Friends; and Me – The Flying Kite (by Le Kinh Tai), sold for $80,000 at an auction organised by Live To Love Viet Nam foundation in October, 2016, in HCM City.