Tens of houses and several hectares of vegetable crops in the northern mountain province of Ha Giang were reportedly damaged in hailstorms on Sunday.


Unusual hailstorms and whirlwinds damaged houses and crops in some districts of Ha Giang Province. 

Nguyen Cao Cuong, chairman of the People’s Committee of Meo Vac District, said the unusual hailstorms and whirlwinds occurred in the three districts of Meo Vac, Dong Van and Yen Minh.

According to preliminary reports, a hailstorm blew away a medical station and the roofs of nearly 70 houses in Meo Vac District.

In Dong Van and Yen Minhdistricts, hailstorms damaged dozens of houses and several hectares of vegetable crops.

There were no reports of any casualty.

The local Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Mitigation urgently coordinated with local authorities to compile accurate statistics on the damages, Cuong said.

The commune authorities were asked to use the reserve budget to support the families whose houses were damaged. — VNS