As many as 11 heritages, among 1,793 intangible cultural heritages in Hanoi require urgent protection. 


The statement was made by the municipal Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism on November 21 at an event to announce the results of an intangible heritage preservation project in Hanoi. 

The heritages included Da Chat Slang (in Dai Xuyen Commune, Phu Xuyen District), antique Tuong singing in Coc Thuong Hamlet (Hoang Dieu Commune, Chuong My District), Trong Quan singing in Phuc Lam Hamlet (Phuc Tien Commnue, Phu Xuyen District), Vi singing in Ngoc Than Hamlet (Ngoc My Commune, Quoc Oai District), Do singing (Liep Tuyet Commune, Quoc Oai District) Ca Tru singing in Phuong Cach Commune (Quoc Oai District), Ca Tru singing in Ngai Cau Hamlet (An Khanh Commune, Hoai Duc District) and Ca Tru singing in Lo Khe Hamlet (Lien Ha Commune, Dong Anh District). 

The majority of the protection-prioritised heritages are in the groups of traditional festivals, handicrafts or art forms. 

The cultural department picked six heritages to develop profiles for recognition as national intangible cultural heritage, namely embroidering in Thuong Tin; Ai Lao dancing and singing in Long Bien District; and the Chem Temple Festival in Bac Tu Liem District.

An Atlas and a book featuring the city’s intangible cultural heritages were published by the department after the project. 

Pham Thi Lan Anh, head of Heritage Management Desk of the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports, said the department will announce a list of Hanoi's intangible culture heritages and direct localities to plan for preservation and development.-VNA