Hanoi now has around 1,500 old apartment buildings with many deteriorated; but only 14 have been restored.


Many old apartment buildings in Hanoi have seriously deteriorated

According to the Hanoi Department of Construction, Hanoi is now home to 1,500 old apartment buildings where were built between the 1960s and the 1990s of 2 to 5 storeys. Most of the buildings are seriously deteriorated and are located in inner-city areas.   

The majority of the apartment blocks have also had unofficial extensions built and their population is around 1.5 times higher than their initial designs. They almost entirely lack fire prevention systems.

Hanoi’s People Committee has asked investors to co-operate with municipal district authorities since 2003 to rebuild 93 apartment blocks; but to date, only 14 have benefited from the policy.

Four apartment buildings have been categorised as dangerous and the residents need to be relocated. However, both municipal authorities and investors have not yet reached an agreement on the rebuilding plan. 

Former Deputy Minister of Construction Nguyen Tran Nam said apartment buildings which are extremely dilapidated and need to be upgraded. 

Investors should be allowed to increase the number of floors in old apartment project’s rebuilding and restoration to encourage them. 

Nguyen The Hung, Vice Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee said that the city has worked with 18 investors in the municipal projects to upgrade and rebuild 26 old apartment buildings into multi-functional urban areas. 

The city will create favourable conditions to make it worthwhile for investors.
