The upgrade and re-construction of many dilapidated apartment buildings in Hanoi has been delayed by differences between residents, authorities and investors.


Up to 42 old apartment buildings have been defined as very dangerous by the Hanoi Department of Construction

Up to 42 old apartment buildings have been defined as very dangerous by the Hanoi Department of Construction, with G6A Thanh Cong and the A Ngoc Khanh apartment buildings in Ba Dinh District being categorised as the most dangerous in the city.   

Earlier this year, the municipal people’s committee asked local authorities in Ba Dinh to submit a plan before February 20 this year on the upgrade of these two blocks as well as the arrangement of temporary accommodation for their residents.

However, disagreement over the number of floors allowed in city centre areas have hindered the project. Investors have wanted to increase the number of floors despite the existing regulations, and households have had to carry on living in a dangerous building due to this dispute over profitability.

Many residents said they hoped local authorities and investors would make a pledge regarding the rate of the project’s progress and the structural quality of upgrades. They must have rights to supervise the upgrade project. 

G6A Thanh Cong old apartment building

They are also worried if they move out of the buildings for the upgrade, they may never be able to return. So, they really want the city to have clear regulations about the upgrading period to avoid the problem that they must live in a temporary place for years. 

Meanwhile, some other people living at G6A Thanh Cong building do not agree with the danger categorisation, asking local authorities to specify ranking criteria. They said that Hanoi has many similar apartment buildings but their residents were still allowed to live in them.

Only 14 among 1,500 old apartment buildings where were built between the 1960s and the 1990s have been restored.

Nguyen The Hung, Vice Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee said that the city has worked with 18 investors in the municipal projects to upgrade and rebuild 26 old apartment buildings into multi-functional urban areas. The city will create favourable conditions to make it worthwhile for investors.
